WCB #136 - Waiting for Treats
Waiting for Treats...
This is how China Cat & Willow are positioned every night by 9:00, at the latest. They know that the treats are behind that cabinet door. They start out being very patient, just sitting or laying down in front of the cabinet.
Next comes the occasional soft "mrrrrr"
which then becomes louder and more frequent.
China Cat generally just stays in her same position
while Willow keeps moving.
And finally, without fail, they are always given their treats.
OK, I had to put the camera down to give out the treats! :)
To visit all of the other terrific cats:
Friday Ark is at The Modulator.
Weekend Cat Blogging #136 is being hosted
by Cheysuli & Gemini at Chey's Place.
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 27 is being hosted
by Mom Robyn & Sanjee at House of The Mostly Black Cats
with an optional theme of Cats In Hats.
The Carnival of The Cats #200 is being hosted
by Samantha Black & Tigger at Life From A Cat's Perspective.
This is how China Cat & Willow are positioned every night by 9:00, at the latest. They know that the treats are behind that cabinet door. They start out being very patient, just sitting or laying down in front of the cabinet.
which then becomes louder and more frequent.
while Willow keeps moving.
And finally, without fail, they are always given their treats.
OK, I had to put the camera down to give out the treats! :)
To visit all of the other terrific cats:
Friday Ark is at The Modulator.
Weekend Cat Blogging #136 is being hosted
by Cheysuli & Gemini at Chey's Place.
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos Edition 27 is being hosted
by Mom Robyn & Sanjee at House of The Mostly Black Cats
with an optional theme of Cats In Hats.
The Carnival of The Cats #200 is being hosted
by Samantha Black & Tigger at Life From A Cat's Perspective.