PhotoHunt Theme: Spotted

One morning my cats were meowing at the sliding glass door which leads out to the screened-in porch. This isn't unusual - even when it's cold they generally go out and "patrol the perimeter" before coming back to the door to come in. December 30th was cold and it had snowed the night before. Both cats went out and didn't come right back to be let in the house. I called them and Willow came in but China Cat was behind the hot tub where I couldn't see her. Finally, I went out to get her to come in but that's when I saw what had fascinated her. A large hawk was about 15 feet out on the lawn eating something for breakfast! I ran to get my camera and went back out in the porch. I rarely can get pictures taken through a screen however I was able to get some pretty good pictures of Mr. Hawk! I took the pictures at 8:00 AM and I figured that Mr. Hawk wouldn't stay around for too long. I was really surprised to see him still sitting there at noon! I guessed that he ate so much for breakfast and he felt safe sitting in the fenced yard, that he fell asleep sitting there - kind of like when we eat to much turkey on Thanksgiving! We weren't sure what he ate but when my husband went out to look he found some feathers on the ground.
Anyway, I picked Mr. Hawk for the SPOTTED Theme because you can see that he has white SPOTS all over his chest! I googled Hawk images but I can't figure out what kind of hawk he is - or if he really is a he or a she!

As always, you can find more of Tnchick's Photohunters here!
And here
