Must Have the Flash...
There are times when the flash makes all the difference in a picture.
Luckily, they hadn't moved before I snapped the second picture with the flash on!
are hosting the Weekend Cat Blogging
over at What Did You Eat?
You'll enjoy Upsie showing that she is still the boss of Sundance,
who is adorable as always!
Awww, you guys look furry cute cuddled up together. :)
cutie cute, cutie pies!
They look so comfy, there on the sofa! Two cute kitties that I'd love to cuddle....
as the others said before: they look so sweet and innocent and comfy :)
My Mommie is still trying to master the flash. You look so cuddly!
Now that's what I call compatability.
Oh, you two look so snuggly and lovey! What a nice kittynap.
Oh for a minute there I thought Fracas got finished sleeping with me & Callie & came over to sleep with you - then I realized it was China Cat! Fracas & China look like twins when they sleep!
That's weawwy vewy comfy!
And wook at that cow behind you guys!
She's staring wight at you and wishing she could be that comfy as well! HEH...
You look so cute all cuddled up together like that. The flash does make all the difference.
I hate the flash. Winever I see it coming, I shut my eyes reel tite!
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