Temptations, Please...
This has become a favorite place for the cats to congregate.
Behind the glass in the entertainment center
are two bags of Temptations.
They sit right there in front of the door looking at me...
and looking at the Temptations...
Starting to get a little vocal...
"Come on - You know what we want
and we would like Temptations NOW!"
Meanwhile, the Lovely Luna is hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #104 at Catsynth.
And Justin's Random Thoughts is where you'll find the 166th Edition of Carnival of the Cats.
Behind the glass in the entertainment center
are two bags of Temptations.
They sit right there in front of the door looking at me...
and we would like Temptations NOW!"
Meanwhile, the Lovely Luna is hosting Weekend Cat Blogging #104 at Catsynth.
And Justin's Random Thoughts is where you'll find the 166th Edition of Carnival of the Cats.
Meeeoooowwwww! Meeeeooooowwww! Meeeeoooowww! Did that help? I'll go see if it worked here to get me some....
I love contemplative kitties! They look ever so sweet and angelic on those pictures..
Oh those Temptations behind glass! So tempting! Such a tease!! Cats are so smart, aren't they?
oooh look at their sweet faces, they just have to have temptations *ggg*
love, astrid
That is not furry nice to put treats were you can see them but not get to them.
So, did they ever get their temptations?
The furry kings and queens of the house always get what they want.
Not to worry - they both got their fair share of treats!
well i hope to see u at my party!
there will be temptations!
Oreo the Cat
That is so unfair--to see them and not be able to get into them. At least someone eventually gave some to you.
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