Spike William is our new kitten and he was born January 30th, 2013.

Saturday, November 08, 2008

PhotoHunt Theme: Together

"TOGETHER" is the theme this week.
When I thought about what to post for TOGETHER I immediately thought of my two cats. They are almost always TOGETHER. In my picture organizer I did a sort using the names of my cats, China Cat and Willow. That sort produced 764 pictures of them TOGETHER in the same picture. So I chose a few, otherwise it would take way too long to look at this post!
First, China Cat and Willow always eat TOGETHER. Normally they just eat cat food out of their bowls, but the tuna cans were treats on Willow's birthday. The cans were not full - I
just left a little in the bottom of each can.
They loved it!
They both love to spend time out in the screened-in porch. Even though their prey is almost always on the other side of the screen, they enjoy hunting TOGETHER. Of course, sometimes bugs get inside and then they can really hunt TOGETHER. The scariest time was when a chipmunk managed to get into the porch and China Cat caught it and brought it in the house to show me. Needless to say, I was not pleased. She dropped the chipmunk and we spent about an hour trying to catch it TOGETHER so I could put it back outside! Unfortunately, I don't have a picture of that! They also spend a lot of time waiting TOGETHER. When the screened-in porch door is closed, they wait TOGETHER until someone lets them in.
And of course they also wait TOGETHER in the front windows,

looking for us to come home. What they do the most TOGETHER is sleep!~~~~~
As always, you can find more of Tnchick's Photohunters here!
And here


Anonymous said...

awwww.....how sweet! :) i've got one up rather similar too.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Those are such lovely together shots!

Leslie said...

OK, this is my very favorite post for this week's PhotoHunt. :)

Anonymous said...

OMC they surley is love cats!!!
Maybee they woz Romeo and Juliet reincarnated as kittys..
Just such a beautiful loving household!:)


Ingrid said...

That's soooo sweet ! I wish my cats would do that, but they never cuddle together ! Even Rosie and Arthur are just sitting or sleeping side by side but not too close !

YTSL said...

So very cute -- it's wonderful that your cats look to get along so well! :)

jams o donnell said...

Aww they are so sweet. Sadly we have some rifts in our cat family. HAppy weekend

Dragonstar said...

Lovely!! Only once, for a short time, have any of our cats been together like this - yours are so sweet! I love the photos from 2004 and 2007, showing them still the same but older.

Carver said...

Great shots of your cats together. I hope you have a good rest of your weekend.

The Florida Furkids said...

They are too cute together!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Oh we love, love these photos!!
So beautiful and so sweet.

We want to thank you for coming by and wishing our Maggie Mae well. She has not had another episode, and Momma is keeping a (too) close eye on her!

Happy Sunday!
~ The Bunch

Jackie said...

Oh I love these!! The cats are adorable and your presentation is fantastic.

I do photohunters too. But, I don't have my link handy.

Happy Sunday:-)

RJ Flamingo said...

This is so sweet! I need to get another kitty so JJ will have someone else to cuddle with!

Beethoven said...

You're invited over on Saturday! Here's the invitation!

Beethoven said...

You're invited over on Saturday! Here's the invitation!

Sarah said...

Those pictures of your kitties sleeping together are so cute! Those are my favorite type of cat pictures to take, I think. With 5 cats and 2 dogs in my house, we get some interesting combinations! : )