Spike William is our new kitten and he was born January 30th, 2013.

Monday, April 30, 2007

Sunday, April 29, 2007

WCB #98 - Blooming Edition

BC (Black Cat) lives with my Aunt in Louisiana,
where we are visiting this weekend.
I'll have more about BC and the trip to Louisiana later
but wanted to get this into Weekend Cat Blogging
with S'kat and the Food.
It's a first time hosting for S'kat
and although I didn't have any flowers in BC's picture,
he does look lovely in the greenery.

Thursday, April 26, 2007

Pursuing "Happyness" per Cats...

China Cat & Willow thought that it would be a good idea
to have some Temptations -
well, you can see that the offer was out there!
It wasn't until after the picture was on the computer
that I noticed what was on the TV screen.

How perfect - "The Pursuit of Happyness"...

You must check out the other Weekend Blogging Cats over at S'kat

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Easy like Sunday Morning

I really like these pictures of China Cat and Willow
sleeping on a Sunday Morning...
~~~~~ Zzzzzzzz...Zzzzzzz...Zzzzzzzz......

Saturday, April 14, 2007

WCB #97 - Is Tax Time Over Yet????

Willow thought that if she hid the tax forms
and tax software,
she might finally get some attention... Puddy is a first time WCB Host this weekend
so be sure to go visit at A Byootaful Life!
And, of course, Carnival of Cats - Edition #160 will be held also.
It's this Sunday by Tobias at Nina's Books for Israel.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Why is there a Woodpecker here???

This is our chimney.
It seems to have a woodpecker on it.
Actually it has a woodpecker on it almost every morning lately.
Suddenly in the house we hear:
"tat..tata.tatt..att.ttt.ataa.tttaat." throughout the house. Mr. Woodpecker,
you really need to find a different pecking place.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy Easter!

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Technorati Profile

Technorati Profile

Cold Front came in...

Suddenly winter has returned to the midwest!
But China Cat and Willow know how to ride the storm out.
Cozy is good!
And make sure to check out Sundance
for Weekend Cat Blogging over at What Did You Eat?
He has a harness that he is not too happy about
but Upsie is trying to make him feel better!
China Cat & Willow are taking notes
because there is a new harness in their house too!

Friday, April 06, 2007

Springtime Flowers...

My mother-in-law has the most beautiful flowering trees ever.
Actually I am very bad at growing plants of any kind
so I am so impressed when someone can actually take care of plants
and make them grow.
My grandfather had the "green thumb"
and my mother is very skilled in plants.
Even my daughter can grow, and not kill flowering plants.
So, here is my m-i-l's back yard!~~~~~


Monday, April 02, 2007

Contest for a Free Dyson Vaccum...

If you go over at 5 Minutes for Mom
you can enter a contest
for a Free Dyson Slim Vacuum!

You can still register now
but the contest is over April 4th @ 1:00 pm Eastern!


Thanks Susan and Janice
for this great contest and...

Thanks to Kimo & Sabi for posting it in their blog!!!