Spike William is our new kitten and he was born January 30th, 2013.

Saturday, June 28, 2008

PhotoHunt Theme: Bright

The theme this week is "bright"
and when we went to Ballwin Days last night,
the firewor
ks were ever so bright!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
As always, you can find more Photohunters here!

Saturday, June 21, 2008

PhotoHunt Theme: Water

The theme this week is "water" and we've had too much water here in the midwest. So I am not going to show any of my flood pictures but here's a nice picture of a baby cow by his or her little pond out the road from where I live.
I grew up in California and my parents still live there. Last year I took a picture of a pelican sitting out on the wharf surrounded by lots of water.
My parents have a pool and this cat lives next door to them. His name is Orion and he loves to visit my parents. They give him treats and he likes drinking the water from their pool.
He doesn't just lean over and drink though.
He scoops up the water with his paw! And here's a picture of his face after he had his fill of water!
As always, you can find more Photohunters here!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

My eyes are on you...

Our backyard is usually full of birds, bunnies, squirrels and chipmunks. This time Willow spotted some bunnies on the other side of the bushes.She carefully kept her eye on them until they hopped away,
while China Cat was snoozing away the afternoon.

It's time for Weekend Cat Events
around the Cat Blogosphere!

Last night the Friday Ark was boarded at The Modulator.
Weekend Cat Blogging is being hosted by Kashim and Othello.
Bad Kitty Cats Festival of Chaos is being hosted by
Mr. Tigger & The M-Cats Club
with an Optional Theme: Father's Day Edition
The Carnival of the Cats is being hosted
at Mind of Mog.

PhotoHunt Theme: Emotion(s)

The theme this week is "emotion(s)"
and not surprisingly I have pictures of cats today!
Alice is my daughter's cat who is looking very curious.
China Cat and Willow are being emotional in a bit of an angry sort of way. But of course they also love each other.
As always, you can find more Photohunters here!

Friday, June 13, 2008

Furry Fighter Friday

A very good cat, Storm the Furry Fighter, had to travel to the Rainbow Bridge today. She fought cancer, not once, but twice.
You can read her
I Won post here
but don't forget tissues! I will miss her very much.
She really was a Winner!
Here is a picture of the ones that came before at my house,
who I am sure will greet Stormie today!

God looked around his Garden and found an empty place.
He then looked down upon his earth and saw your loving face.

He put his arms around you and lifted you to rest.
His Garden must be beautiful, he always takes the best.

He knew that you were suffering, he knew you were in pain.
And knew that you would never get well on earth again.

He saw your path was difficult, he closed your tired eyes,
He whispered to you "Peace be Thine" and gave you wings to fly.

When we saw you sleeping so calm and free of pain,
We would not wish you back to earth to suffer once again.

You’ve left us precious memories, your love will be our guide,
You live on through your children, you’re always by our side.

It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you on the day God called you home.

- Author Unknown

Saturday, June 07, 2008

PhotoHunt Theme: Bad Hair

The theme this week is "bad hair" and as usual, I wasn't sure what I was going to photograph. Sometimes I really do have Bad Hair Days but I didn't want to torture anyone with that!
As luck would have it, Willow helped me out this week. I walk every morning around my neighborhood for exercise and always wear a hat to keep the sun off of my face. I left my hat in the chair in the living room when I came in and clearly someone thoug
ht it was a good thing to nap upon! It's "bad hair" because it certainly does not belong on my black hat. I asked Willow if she thought it might be her white hair on my hat...
She looked at it...
She sniffed it... Now clearly she is in total denial by looking out the window
and pretending it's not her hair.
So there you have it - bad hair when it's on my hat
but good hair when it's still on Willow!
She is a pretty girl but she sheds a lot!

As always, you can find more Photohunters here!

Wednesday, June 04, 2008